2020 Winter Appeal Kicks Off

Our 2020 Winter Appeal kicked off this week. In this, our Year of Compassion, we are being asked to donate items or cash to support those less fortunate. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our agencies are more desperate than ever for donations.

2019 Winter Appeal – handing over donations

The Winter Appeal helps out three agencies: St Patrick’s, Fremantle, St Vincent de Paul, and Shopfront. These agencies are always very appreciative of the donations collected from our community.

Each Homeroom and College Department has received a red collection bag and a list of suggested items to donate. We hope that each girl can bring in an item or two from the list to contribute to the appeal or make a cash contribution of $10.00.

Service Captain, Tehya Conroy said, “These items are used in the preparation of meals or donated directly to families and individuals who are struggling to provide for themselves. This is especially important now, as many families and individuals have lost their jobs and can’t afford to buy food and other essential items. It is not only a hard time for these people but also for the organisations. They are being challenged by the needs of those in our community who can’t afford to support themselves. This is why it is so important we donate items we can afford so that we can help those who can’t do so.“

Below is a list of items we require for each Year group.

What A Term! So Many Opportunities – Jennifer Oaten

As I look back on the past nine weeks, I am so grateful for who we are as a community and what we have achieved. Through the dedication of our staff and the enthusiasm of our students, we have established new connections, immersed ourselves in opportunities and worked through challenges.

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