Advice From 2018 Graduates

Our Year 12s have reached the halfway point into their Year 12 courses and have their eyes set on the finishing line.  Who better to receive advice from than those who have just gone before them.

2018 graduates Jemima Reid, Ava Pike, Bree Holman, Kelsey King and Piper Brown spoke at our Year 12 assembly this week and gave some encouraging advice on how to re-group after work placement and exams, how to re-vision achievable goals and how-to re-focus on what is important.

“Today’s assembly was very educational, and I found it extremely interesting to hear about the Old Girls’ experiences with WACE and exams from last year. I learnt how to manage stress over this final year. Even though I am an ACCESS student I felt it was still important to know for the future as uni is still an achievable goal for ACCESS students.” Trinity Thomas

“Today’s discussion panel was extremely useful in acknowledging the stresses and anxieties that WACE presents to students. I found it particularly helpful in understanding how to cope with these issues in order to perform my best in exams. Having advice from past students was beneficial as it was comforting knowing that they were able to get through it and are now where they want to be in uni.”  Shae Howe-Robinson

“It was really great to hear about the experiences of recently graduated girls. They offered valuable insight and thoughtful advice to take on board and apply to each of our own personal school and exam study ventures.”  Marnie Kennedy

“I think today’s PCT with the past Year 12 students was effective, being an ACCESS student. As much as the past ACCESS students’ were unable to attend, hearing the past ATAR girls talk about their exams and experiences was helpful, as when I attend university I can understand the ways to study for exams and how to keep my stress and anxiety levels tamed, making sure I can achieve the best for my future. I believe the girls were inspiring to me and helped me as I was able to take their experiences and skills and put them into my own life.” Alessia Massimi 

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