Channel 10 Journalist Visits Year 5 Classes
A special guest visited the Year 5 classes recently. Rebecca Perrie, a journalist from Channel 10. Rebecca spoke to the girls about the differences between the language used in print and spoken news. Rebecca also talked to the students about the process of creating an effective and informative report for television.
In class, the girls have been learning about writing newspaper articles and are now learning about producing a news report for television.
“It was fascinating to hear all the tricks of the trade and about the complex process of producing a short piece of news for viewers. The girls loved this experience and are now fully absorbed in their own production of a short news piece using i-movie!”, said Year 5 teacher Kate Poole.
Rebecca Perry from Channel 10 came and spoke to us about news reporting, how to speak to the camera and what happens behind the scenes. She also spoke about how to film and edit videos. Sierra Allen 5.4
We learnt all about news reporting, how to look in front of a camera and how to use our voices! Rebecca talked about what she does on Channel 10, like how she goes in the voice booth and edits football! This was a fun experience and can’t wait to keep on learning all about news reporting! Rose Menchetti 5.4
Rebecca talked about how she does sports news recording and that she is a journalist and loves to write. She also talked about when she does sports news, she has a very short time limit to write about the game and how it’s going so far. My favourite part was when she talked about the voice booth and how she doesn’t stay there for very long since she’s claustrophobic. Sophie Windram 5.4
Rebecca told us how to tell and film a news story, she gave us some really good tips! She was awesome!’ Lucy Smythe 5.4
- ConnectingLearning2Life, Featured
Author: Santa Maria College
Santa Maria College is a vibrant girls school with a growing local presence and reputation. Our Mission is to educate young Mercy women who act with courage and compassion to enrich our world. Santa Maria College is located in Attadale in Western Australia, 16 km from the Perth CBD. We offer a Catholic education for girls in Years 5 – 12 and have 1300 students, including 152 boarders.