Below are some questions prospective parents often ask about the College. If your questions haven’t been answered below, we encourage you to contact our Admissions Manager at [email protected]

1. What is the average class size at Santa Maria College?

At Santa Maria College, we prioritise personalised attention with our highly conducive average class sizes. In Years 5 & 6, classes have around 24 – 25 students. In Years 7 – 9, the number slightly increases to approximately 24 – 26 students. Class sizes in Years 10 – 12 vary depending on the subjects chosen but typically have fewer than 24 students.

2. How much does it cost to send a child to Santa Maria College?

Our yearly fees range from around $8,500 to $16,500.

3. Does Santa Maria College implement streaming in certain subjects and year levels?

Santa Maria does not apply streaming to students in Years 5 – 7. However, we implement streaming in Maths for Years 8 – 10.

4. What are the library hours at Santa Maria College?

Our library is open from 7.30 am to 5.45 pm from Monday to Thursday. On Fridays, it closes earlier, at 4.00 pm.

5. Is academic assistance provided at Santa Maria College?

At Santa Maria College, we believe in delivering robust academic support. Our Homework Heroes program assists students from Years 7 – 9, while our Study Club caters to students from Years 5 & 6.

6. What is the daily structure at Santa Maria College?

Our school day follows a six-period format, with Homeroom each morning. We alternate between Week A and Week B timetables.

7. Is Catholicism mandatory to attend Santa Maria College?

Santa Maria is a Catholic school that embraces diversity and welcomes students from all faith backgrounds.

8. How does Santa Maria College support children with specific diagnoses?

At Santa Maria College, we have a dedicated Enrichment Department that caters to children with specific diagnoses. Through thorough assessments, we identify learning gaps and areas of excellence. We keep parents informed about specialised programs and empower students to effectively manage their diagnoses.

9. What bus routes are available at Santa Maria College?

Up-to-date information on bus routes can be found here.

10. When are interviews conducted for prospective students at Santa Maria College?

Interviews for prospective students are conducted when the student is in Year 4. We will contact parents in Year 3 to gather necessary documents such as NAPLAN and school reports.

11. When should I submit my daughter’s application to Santa Maria College?

We encourage you to submit your daughter’s application as early as possible to stay informed about the College and facilitate the enrolment process.

12. What is Santa Maria College’s gifted and talented program?

Our gifted and talented program, IGNITE, is designed for academically gifted students from Years 5 – 8. It encompasses STEM and creative arts, emphasising critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving.

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