Understanding the human experience of the Santa Maria College site was the purpose of the first Master Planning Workshop this week. 40 participants formed groups made up of a combination of parents, staff and students to share their knowledge and ideas about the space shown on the map below.
Phillip Idle from EIW Architects facilitated the workshop and challenged participants with questions such as….
- What aspect of the site reflects our Mercy values?
- What are the communities within the site?
- What are the main pathways connecting places in our College?
- Where are the main, gathering places both in and outside the buildings?
- What are the areas used by different groups within the College?
- What are the significant landmarks?
- What is our favourite place to meet with others (parents, staff or students)?
- Which place is special to us?
- What is our favourite place for learning (parents, staff or students)?
- Where is the heart of the school?
Students led the conversation in each group, made insightful comments and often had a very different perspective to that of the adults in each group. A further student-only workshop, based on the above questions will be held next week to seek further consultation from students.
The workshop concluded with all participants sharing one area of focus they would like considered as part of the process. Many thanks to all those who gave up their time to participate and so willingly shared their ideas.