French Days of the Week

You may remember we recently shared one of our Year 7 Italian groups who had written a song about the days of the week. This week, it’s our Year 7 French students’ turn.

To reinforce what they have learned, the girls were asked to create their own French rap song in small groups. 

Each group had lots of fun writing, singing and filming their songs. Above is one of the groups performing their song. We also asked them about the project. 

What is your French song about?

The song is about the days of the week and how Sunday is the only one without a ‘di’. It is also about how to pronounce the days of the week. Ashley Featherby

What was the best part of this project?

The best part about this project was being able to come up with our own rap song in French in our group, which was really fun and enjoyable. Eva Longstaff

What do you love about studying French?

I am so glad that I chose French as my language this year because we learn so much in a short period of time and the activities we do are super fun. It’s also been great learning French because it will help me later on in life when I go to a country that speaks the French language. – Ruby Mastaglia

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