From Classroom to Zoo: Year 12 Biology

Year 12 Biology students visited Perth Zoo for a behind-the-scenes experience with some of Perth’s most extraordinary animals this week. 

The Year 12 Biology excursion is an annual event that provides students with the opportunity to experience curriculum concepts first-hand. A series of talks and close encounters with zoo residents encourage students to understand the complexity of living organisms, connecting what they have learned in the classroom to the world around them. During the excursion, students directly observe homeostatic mechanisms such as thermoregulation and obtain a deeper understanding of the factors involved in the captive breeding process. 
The forecast for a 100% chance of rain did not dampen our students’ enthusiasm. Upon arrival, we were greeted by a window of sunshine that lasted until we left.
A key highlight for our students was the opportunity to experience one of Perth Zoo’s most popular and life-changing close encounters – giraffe feeding! Students received lots of interesting information from zoo experts while centimetres away from these remarkable animals.
One of the biology students said, “We enjoyed the hands-on experience with the giraffes and seeing the other animals up close. Hands-on experiences are valuable in biology as they create a deeper appreciation for the animals we learn about.” 
The Perth Zoo excursion not only reinforced the students’ classroom learning but also inspired a greater appreciation for wildlife and conservation efforts. This experience will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on their educational journey and their appreciation of the ecosystem. 
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