Easter Liturgy – Jennifer Oaten Principal

Narration, music, song and reflective dance enabled us to focus on the meaning of Holy Week, the most important time in our Church calendar, during our Easter Liturgy today.

Our students shared with us readings and prayers with symbolism and such reverence. They enabled us to reflect on the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, the shared Passover meal with his disciples on Holy Thursday, through the passion of Jesus Christ on Good Friday and the joy in the risen Christ on Easter Sunday.

Special thanks go to:

  • Our narrators and those who played roles
  • Our musicians (McMahon Strings and our String Ensemble)
  • Our Years 9/10 and 11/12 Chorales
  • Our Year 10 dancers

Leadership from Olivia Lloyd, Liturgy Captain and  Jilly Landers, Head of Mission, ensured our Liturgy was so meaningful.Over the Easter period, I encourage all girls and their families to:

  • make time for building relationships with family and friends
  • show gratitude for all we have
  • build on our relationship with Jesus by being part of Easter services

Giving alms is another key focus of Lent which has been encouraged through Project Compassion. The official fundraising commenced on Caritas Day and concluded this week. Donations will assist Caritas, the Catholic global aid agency who assist the poor locally, nationally and internationally. The final total of donations was announced following the Easter Liturgy and came to a record total of $11,133. I thank everyone for their great generosity and ongoing support of this wonderful work.

I wish everyone a happy and holy Easter and a safe journey for all those who are travelling. God Bless.

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