Two amazing mums, Veronica O’Keefe and Marie Sadler give their time very generously, to be the driving force behind Santa Ministry which includes Santa Assist.
Santa Assist helps College families in times of need. This support is usually in the form of meals however, other assistance is offered when needed. “Communication goes out and within minutes we have wonderful families who offer to provide a range of meals. We are so grateful to the many families who assist us in such a generous way by preparing and donating meals. We even have Boarding families who bring frozen meals to donate.”
Calls from families receiving meals indicate how thankful they are to be part of such a supportive community. In our Year of Hospitality, the modelling of service by our parents is a great example for our girls and is very much appreciated.
Veronica and Marie spoke about why they are such strong supporters of Santa Assist, “Our work with Santa Assist means we can contribute to the school community, set a good example for our kids and work together with the great staff at Santa to help others. The tea and cake incentives are pretty good too!”
Santa Ministry provides opportunities for the spiritual development of our parent community by inviting and encouraging families to attend Rosary held each Thursday at 8.10 am and Mass each Friday morning at 8.00am in the Chapel. Following Friday Mass, members of Santa Ministry meet together for coffee and friendship.
The yearly Mothers Retreat will be coming up later in the year so we encourage all in our community to consider attending, last year’s retreat was fully booked so watch out for communication regarding the event.
If you are interested in providing a meal for a family in need please contact Veronica [email protected] or Marie [email protected].