For our boarders, being away from home is often hard, and for our younger boarders, being self-motivated without mum and dad around can be challenging.
A new Boarding Study Model has been put into place for our boarders. The new plan means fewer disruptions and gives a more homely environment for the girls to study in. It also provides more structure for the girls, provided by supervisors who can impart their skills and help the girls to be organised and provide them with valuable study techniques. The Boarding Study Model is designed to complement the study skills programs already provided to the girls in their daily classes and formal study programs.
Years 7 students are supervised in the Boarders Dining room from 6.30 pm – 8.00 pm on Monday -Thursday evenings. The girls are supervised by a mathematics teacher two days per week and a teacher of HASS, English and RE for the other two days. Student use of College Planner, organisation, time management and study strategies are key areas promoted during study each week. The final half an hour of study may include playing educational games, group study or relevant discussion with their supervisor.
Areas of focus for Year 7s
- Organisation skills – using the Planner, planning a study schedule using course programs and assessment dates
- Time management – allocating appropriate timeframes to homework completion and revision
- Study Techniques – effective reading practices, summarising, note taking and mind mapping skills; using course programs, checklists and objectives to create revision notes.
- Problem-solving strategies – perspective, 3B4Me , how to approach teachers for help
Years 8 and 9 students are supervised in the Sawle Literature Centre from 6.30 pm – 8.00 pm on Monday – Thursday evenings. One teacher is allocated to Year 8 Boarders and another to Year 9 Boarders, with support provided to students with planning and completing homework tasks, revising for tests and various study strategies. Our GAP students also assist with tutoring and mentoring during these sessions.
Years 10 – 12 students have independent study in their rooms from 6.30 pm – 9.30 pm on Monday – Thursday evenings, depending on Year group. By Year 10, students have begun to develop more independent study and revision strategies based on their different learning styles and particular courses studied. Senior students still have the opportunity to access the resources in the Library during this period and are encouraged to utilise the various study skills resources presented to them at the College, such as Elevate.