Showcasing the Best: Performing Arts Perspectives

Our Years 11 and 12 Dance and Drama students were treated to performances by some of the most talented 2022 ATAR graduates at the Performing Arts Perspectives at Perth Concert Hall recently.

This event showcased the top performers from the ATAR practical examinations, including Dance, Drama, and Music students from Public, Independent, and Catholic high schools. The highest-scoring ATAR students were invited to audition, and from these, exceptional performers were chosen by a panel. The night presented the work covered in each subject discipline, providing an insightful and inspiring experience for all who attended.

Santa Maria graduate Siobhan Scannell, second from right, with other performers

One standout performance of the night came from Siobhan Scannell, a 2022 graduate from Santa Maria who wowed the audience with her rendition of the 2022 Set Solo in an Ensemble Performance. But it wasn’t just Siobhan’s performance that impressed the attending students. They were able to watch a range of students perform their exam pieces, gaining an insight into what excellence in the Arts looks like and inspiring them to reach for new heights in their practice.

Jayda Maher, a Year 11 student, said, “It was entertaining and inspirational! It helped me gain perspective on what we can create.” Tayla Rijavec, also in Year 11, added, “The variety and contrast of student performances inspired me for my monologues. I loved seeing the creativity and how the performers used the elements of Drama to create such entertaining performances.”

Indeed, this experience was invaluable for students who were able to witness firsthand what can be achieved through dedication and hard work in the Arts. This showcase of excellence was a reminder that with determination and commitment, anything is possible.

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