Santa Maria Students Involved in United Nations Consultation Process

Lucy Stronach (Class of 2013) is the Australian Youth Representative to the United Nations. As a graduate of studies in Criminology, Law, and Security, Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism, she was an impressive guest speaker for our student leaders from Years 9 to 12. Lucy is a passionate advocate for youth justice in both the domestic and international spheres and was a fabulous facilitator in capturing students’ concerns and opinions on local and global issues.

Lucy was with our students on her 2021 Listening Tour consulting on a number of issues with our girls and ensuring their voices will be heard on her next visit to New York.  Lucy will lead an extensive, nationwide consultation tour to engage with and discover the issues that are most important to young Australians and collect a wide range of youth perspectives and experiences that shape society.

Students offered their views on the treatment of Indigenous Australians, the gender pay gap, the stigma around mental health, domestic violence and abuse of women in Australia, the lack of budget allocation to sustainability issues and global warming, lack of acceptance of diversity in young people, hence issues around ableism, sexism. racism and the marginalisation of young people around their sexual orientation.

Our students spoke confidently and passionately and were well informed about many issues.  The conversation was lively, and students appreciated the opportunity to present their views


The United Nations Leadership Consultation Process provided a forum through which we could express our opinions and talk about the faults of our modern-day society. To know that our voices were being heard, and not disregarded was immensely gratifying. Lucy has achieved so much in such a short space of time. Her hard work and dedication have resulted in an accomplished advocacy presence and the 2021 role of the UN Youth Representative for Australia. The event left us empowered and inspired to make a change. Sophia Marra, Year 10

I thoroughly enjoyed meeting Lucy and being part of a discussion that will contribute to wider scale change. Hearing different perspectives and opinions on global topics, broadened my own understandings of the world we live in and the scale of injustice present within it. Lucy’s enthusiasm and extensive knowledge about global issues, allowed for the afternoon to be both insightful and meaningful. In a world where younger people are often demoralised or not taken seriously; the afternoon saw students from all age groups being heard and seen. Nishi Jayawickrema, Year 10

The UN Youth Consultation was an incredible experience. It was great to be able to voice my opinions and know they will be heard on the world stage. It is powerful to be a part of real change. Sascha Finlay-Collins, Year 10

I felt privileged being in this group last Friday and hearing the many issues confronting young people. What was really inspiring was listening to the solutions offered by the students gathered. Gemma Thomson, Year 11

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