Year 6 Cricket Gala Day

The Year 6s have been involved in a cricket program throughout Term 4. Year 6 students, Hallie Watson and Hayley Stevens have written about the program below, and interviewed some of their classmates.

We had the opportunity to put our skills to the test today. We have been preparing over the last couple of weeks learning how a cricket game works. Instructors from the WACA have come out to help us improve our skills and support our sport teachers to run this great Cricket Gala. During PE lessons, the WACA instructors and our teachers have been helping us improve our bowling techniques, batting and fielding.

Bethany and Hayley (Kelly): How do you think you improved in your batting area?
We have learnt when to hit it and the correct technique.

Becca and Melina (Byrne): How do you think you improved in your fielding area?
Pick it up without dropping it and catching it from the exercises Mrs Christie has taught for us.

Ivanka and Capri (Dillon): How do you think you improved in your bowling area?
Bowl with a straight arm using the correct grip and aim at the wickets.

Izzy and Ava (Frayne): Do you think cricket is fun?
It is very enjoyable, and it is very fun as you get to hit a ball.

Catlin and Sophie B (de la Hoyde): Do you think that you’ve improved in cricket?
Yes in all three areas of cricket.

Adayna and Alisha (O’Donnell): How do you think you went in your last game?
We played O’Reilly and we did better than we thought. We had a great game, but we lost.

Alexis and Rose (O’Reilly): Which House do you think is going to win the tournament?
We think Dillion is going to win because they look like a strong team.

Frankie and Lizzy (Corbett): Do you enjoy having the WACA people come out?
Yes, because they are good at cricket, and it has improved our skills a lot.

The girls also asked Cherie, Cricket Manager, South West Metro, WA Cricket if she’s enjoyed teaching the Year 5s.  She said, “I have absolutely loved teaching the Year 6 class.  Their passion, excitement and willingness to learn is an absolute pleasure to be part of and is truly infectious.  I am so very fortunate to have been part of their cricket sessions, and I hope they enjoyed themselves as much as I did.”

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