Mentor Project Celebration

The SMCOGA love to celebrate friendship and connection and this is what we did at the Mentoring Celebration. Although, numbers were low, the evening was greatly enjoyed.

This year, we had a large number of alumni and students participating in the project. Students involved were Year 10  boarders and a few from the Year 9 IGNITE program.

Mentoring is not always easy, with busy schedules it can be tricky to negotiate times to catch up. Sometimes the partnership can take time to gel and this is why it is really important to connect regularly. Like any relationship, they require attention and energy from both sides.

We have had some fabulous connections. Students have engaged in coffee catch ups, work visits, university visits, movies, bowling, theatre outings and more. Mentors have really tried hard to motivate and communicate with their mentees and we are very appreciative of their efforts.

In 2020, the Mentoring Project will continue with some positive changes to provide more support for students and mentors. 

This program started very small in 2017 and we are encouraged by the enthusiasm of our Old Girls to continue to connect with the College.

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