
We are happy to accept your Application for Enrolment at any time; however, we encourage you to register an application well in advance of the admission year due to the high demand.

Santa Maria College has approval to enrol 96 students in both Years 5 and 6, and up to 192 students in each of Years 7–12. As the College receives more applications than available places, families are selected based on the following Enrolment Policy priorities:

  • Children and families who support the Catholic Mission of the College.
  • Children and families with a demonstrated commitment to Santa Maria College, such as current or previously enrolled students, alumni, or staff members.
  • Children of families who have supported Catholic Education at a previous school.
  • Children of families who value the all-girls environment provided by Santa Maria College.
  • Where all other criteria are equal, the date of application will be a priority.

We interview students entering Year 5 one year before starting and students entering Year 7 three years before starting. Places in other Year groups arise occasionally. It is recommended that you contact the College to discuss your requirements if you are seeking admission at any other time.


We also ask families to download and complete the Parish Priest Reference, which can be forwarded to your Parish Priest or Church Minister for completion. Please note that the Parish Priest recommendation is not mandatory.

To complete your Application for Enrolment, register with your email address and submit the online form, which includes a non-refundable $150.00 fee.

Download the Parish Priest Reference Form

We encourage you to attend one of our Tour Days to get a feel for the College and meet some of our key staff.

Entry Year Calculator

Our Head of Admissions or our Admissions Officer is the first point of contact for prospective families who are considering enrolling their daughter at Santa Maria. 

Contact details are as follows:
T: 6330 0373 or E: [email protected]

Scroll down to see information on:

  • Fees & Charges
  • Uniform
  • Transport Information
  • Special Fee Arrangement



Santa Maria College’s Fees are set by the College Advisory Council and take into account the anticipated State and Australian Government Grants and incorporate all items known to be an integral part of the curriculum. The Boarding Fee covers full board and lodging, laundering of linen, routine nursing and some transportation. The College offers a range of payment options; fees are to be paid in accordance with the option selected.

For more information, contact the College Finance Office:
T: 6330 0234 or E: [email protected]


Santa Maria College uniform is a sign of identity with the College and should be worn with pride. Each student is expected to be properly attired in full uniform, whilst at the College, travelling to and from the College, and when representing the College at external functions and events

Uniform Shop
Our Uniform Shop is located on campus
Contact Details
T: 6330 0250  E: [email protected]


Tuesday 8.00 am – 4.00 pm
Wednesday 8.00 am – 4.00 pm
Thursday 8.00 am – 4.00 pm


Students attending Santa Maria College either ride, walk, catch Transperth buses, Santa Maria private chartered buses or are dropped off by their parents.


The College has a number of bike racks for student use. Students need to provide their own locks.

Parent Drop Off / Pick Up

The College has supervised drop-off and pick-up zones running at the front of the College on the Figure 8, entry off Stoneham Road and along Cawston Road.

Cawston Road: This drop area is for Years 5, 6, and 7 without sisters in Years 8 – 12. There will be staff on duty before and after school to supervise.

Figure 8: If you are dropping off/picking up students please enter the gate at the bo8om of the Figure 8 off Stoneham Road. Students should be picked up/dropped off as close to the Chapel (western end) at the top of the Figure 8. There will be staff on duty before and after school to supervise.

Please be aware that the entry into Santa Maria College next to the boarding school, off Stoneham Road, is not to be used. This entry is for College buses, maintenance vehicles and boarding staff.

Transperth Services

Private Bus Services


Catherine McAuley was the foundress of the Sisters of Mercy and a truly inspirational woman. Her vision for the education of all women and children continues to provide guidance to the College today.

The College assists families in the following ways by providing special fee arrangements to families who are experiencing financial difficulties.

    Our Catherine McAuley Bursary is for families, of current students, attending Santa Maria College, who require financial assistance and hold a valid Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card.
    Families who are experiencing financial hardship may apply for short-term financial assistance through a Financial Hardship Concession.  These concessions are for families who require short-term financial assistance with fees.

Bursaries and Concession are not continuous and require the family to reapply each year if further assistance is needed.  Applications are accessed on an individual basis and a meeting with the Business Manager is required before the assessment is reviewed.

Please note bursaries close on 1 April of the current year and are not available for Years 5, 6, 7, or in the first year at the College.

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Book a Tour

One of the best ways to get a feel for a school is to take a tour and experience it. We would be delighted if you would join us on one of our tours.