From The Head of Boarding: Term 2, Week 1, 2020

Hope that you all had a wonderful holiday! Disappointingly, Boarding is still not open and will not be open until we receive a directive from the government. We are hoping that boarding will be open sooner, rather than later. Boarding staff will be making regular contact with you and your daughters while you are at home.

Margie Warrell is a great presenter who teaches us how to be brave and to live in discomfort. She tells us that during times of discomfort are periods where we grow in strength, empathy and resilience.

Right now, we are experiencing many expected and unexpected moments of discomfort. Let’s share our stories of growth via the Boarding Parents’ Facebook page or Teams, the new activities we have tried, and the loving support of friends and family near and far and more.

Please find the link here to Margie Warrell’s article on How to Raise Brave Girls. 

She makes six key points in the article for raising brave girls: 

  1. Encourage her to dream big
  2. Embolden her to take risks
  3. Teach her to speak bravely, even if she gets called bossy
  4. Continually remind her she is lovable and worthy, no matter what
  5. Help her define herself beyond beauty, brands or brains
  6. Model the bravery you hope to inspire

Take care


Combating The Attention Span Crisis In Our Students – Jennifer Oaten

It is no secret that attention spans have been steadily declining, especially among younger generations growing up immersed in digital technology. The average person’s attention span when using a digital device has plummeted from around two and a half minutes back in 2004 to just 47 seconds on average today – a dramatic 66% decrease over the past two decades.

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