From the President: October 2022

Old Girls' Association President Gemma Varone

Welcome to the October edition of the OGA newsletter.

It’s a busy and very exciting time at the College, as the end of the year approaches. The College recently celebrated Mercy Day, with the coveted McAuley Shield awarded to Kelly House for the sixth year in a row! Many things have changed over the years, but one constant is the level of competitiveness and good sportsmanship shown by the girls.

The OGA’s Project of Mercy grant has continued into its second year. This award enables a past student to undertake a planned project of their choosing, with the primary focus of helping others, within the Western Australian community. We were excited to receive a number of outstanding applications, so made the decision to split the grant between three finalists: Courtney D’Mello (2008), Bridey Eggleton (2015) and Sofia Basso Betancourt (2019). We are so inspired by these incredible women and look forward to seeing their projects come to fruition. 

I know many of you will be pleased to hear that we have now scheduled the school reunion for next year. Those who missed their reunion event at the beginning of this year will also be invited. A save the date is included in this month’s blog.

Wishing you all a wonderful month ahead.

Gemma Varone (2009), President 

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