Ella Jones (2020) Latest Film Role

Ella Jones as Tessa in Incognito

Ella Jones (Class of 2020) has been taking acting classes since she was around 12 years old. She had her first role when she was just 13 in a short film. Since then, she’s had the pleasure of working on quite a few projects, including short films, films, web series and television series.

We caught up with Ella as her latest project, Incognito, premieres on the big screen.

Tell us a little about what you’ve been doing since leaving Santa Maria

Since leaving Santa Maria, I have had a lot more free time to focus on acting and have been able to work on many projects. My attendance during Year 12 was not great, as I was working on two separate films at the time, so it has been extremely helpful having more time to pursue opportunities and take acting more seriously.

Do you plan to continue with an acting career?

I do plan to continue down the path of screen acting. I was lucky enough to find my passion for the art at such a young age, so I have been able to build a body of work and put myself in a good position for my age. I’m hoping to move overseas in the coming years to pursue my career more seriously, wherever it may take me.

What’s been the highlight for you since leaving Santa Maria?

I think the premiere of Incognito has been my biggest highlight since leaving Santa Maria. Most of the projects I worked on before this film have had quite small-scale premieres or private screenings; however, the premiere of Incognito was quite a large event and was completely open to the public. This meant that many of my friends and family were able to come and see the film during its first screening. Having so many people that I love there was so special to me and made the event all the more memorable. Mrs Oaten and my old Homeroom teacher, Mr Cooper, even came along to support the film, which was very lovely.


What is the film Incognito about?

Incognito is a dystopian drama film about a young man and woman who must come together to find Sanctuary, a safe haven for all. Below is the film’s official synopsis:

“Set in the near future, Earth’s resources are gone, and humanity fights for survival. Myles, a young, self-centred man, must journey to find Sanctuary with a youthful ally named Tessa. While the shadow of the cruel Cyrus creeps ever closer to Myles – and his past.”

Tell us a little about your character

Tessa is a smart but naive young woman. She has grown up quite sheltered from the dangers of the dystopian world in which she lives. She is on her own for the first time in her life and goes through quite a journey of self-discovery throughout the film, uncovering her own strength and transforming into a powerful, self-dependent young woman. 

How did you come to be in this movie?

As with any acting project, it all starts with an audition. My lovely Australian agents sent me the script for the film early last year. After my first read, I was in love with both the story and the character of Tessa. I auditioned for the role and was lucky to book it after my first audition. Once the rest of the actors had been cast, we began the lengthy process of scene and stunt rehearsals. It was one of the most incredible sets I have had the privilege of working on, and I am so proud to be a part of this film.

The cast of Ingcognito: Cody Brown, Ella Jones, Director Mark Wooldridge, Aiden McFaull & Amber Dyball

What do you wish you’d known when you were leaving school?

When leaving Santa Maria, I wish I had known that there is no set path any of us have to take. My own journey has been a big mix of ups and downs. A career in the arts, however difficult it may seem, is possible, and I wish it would have been talked about and encouraged more at the school. In my own time at Santa Maria, I witnessed so much talent from just my year group alone in drama, dance, and music. A lot of those girls are now pursuing a career in the arts. I hope that current students know that while it may not always be easy, if performing is something you are passionate about and want to pursue, you should go for it!

Thanks for sharing your story with us, Ella. We wish you all the very best in your career and we can’t wait to see what your next project will be.

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