Antoinette Talks To Students About Her Fashion Label


Antoinette’s latest achievements have included being a featured designer in the Spring/Summer edition of British Vogue and showcasing her latest collection at London Fashion Week.

Having a young designer who has already achieved so much since leaving Santa Maria was extremely inspiring to the girls. Antoinette brought in some signature garments from her early collections, as well as her design workbooks to share with the girls and give them some motivation towards their current project.

The girls were very engaged throughout Antoinette’s presentation, which was full of lively photos and videos showcasing what she uses online to promote and sell her apparel. Antoinette told the girls that she still uses the basic skills she learnt here in Fashion and Textiles in her current designs today. We are extremely proud to have a former student living such a successful life and chasing her dreams of becoming a fashion designer.

Combating The Attention Span Crisis In Our Students – Jennifer Oaten

It is no secret that attention spans have been steadily declining, especially among younger generations growing up immersed in digital technology. The average person’s attention span when using a digital device has plummeted from around two and a half minutes back in 2004 to just 47 seconds on average today – a dramatic 66% decrease over the past two decades.

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