

Involvement is your ongoing participation and support of your child’s day to day activities and the life of the College. (Eg. Parent Council, attendance at events, participation in College activities).

Engagement is having a strong understanding and commitment to the education process and how it can be supported at home.


Research shows that parental engagement with education and learning has a profound impact on academic achievement, social skills, confidence and sense of personal competence. It makes sense that the combination of our educational expertise and your expertise in the subject of your child will create the best possible outcomes.


The Santa Maria College Parent Council is a parent group supporting the College community.
The key aims of the Parent Council are to:

  • Build a community of supportive parents
  • Support the College in providing a broad and fulfilling educational experience
  • Create opportunities for parents to interact, contribute and belong to the extended Santa Maria community.

The Parent Council Executive meets on a regular basis and organises social and service events for both parents and students. In partnership with the College Executive Team, the Parent Council contributes to areas of need in the College.

The Parent Council has four Special Interest Groups (SIGs) which are led and coordinated by members of the Executive.

The SIGs include:

Parent Network – The Parent Network’s motto is Service ~ Friendship ~ Hospitality. The Parent Network offers service to the College by organising volunteers and assisting at various school-based events. The Parent Network extends friendship by organising regular Year level social occasions giving parents the opportunity to enjoy each other’s company throughout the year. The Parent Network meets twice per term and all parents are very welcome to attend the meetings or volunteer in a way that suits them. The Parent Network aims to provide warm and welcoming hospitality in all it does.

Men of Santa (Mozzies) – All dads of the College are members of the Men of Santa. The Men of Santa Maria, affectionately known as the Mozzies, were created to give fathers the opportunity to meet other dads in an informal atmosphere and to attend events specifically for dads and daughters.

Santa Ministry – Santa Ministry promotes the spiritual development of the Parent Council and provides support to families in need through Santa Assist. Santa Ministry invites and encourages families to attend Rosary held each Thursday at 8.10 am in the College Chapel and Mass each Friday morning at 8.00 am also in the Chapel. Following Friday Mass, members of Santa Ministry meet together for coffee and friendship. Santa Assist helps College families in times of need or crisis. This can be in the form of meals, transport or other tasks as needed for support. If you are interested in being part of Santa Assist you can subscribe on the College App or contact Parent Council.

Boarders’ Parents’ Group – All boarding parents are members of the Boarders Parents’ Group. Meetings are generally held at the end of Terms 1, 2 and 3 and provide the opportunity for input by key personnel from the College. All boarding parents are encouraged to attend, as this can be a wonderful opportunity to network with other boarding parents. The meetings also provide a forum to discuss issues pertaining to the Boarding Community.

The meetings are run and co-ordinated by parents with an agenda emailed to families prior to each meeting. Input and contributions from parents are encouraged. In the past meetings have been well supported and guest speakers are occasionally invited to address topics relevant to girls in boarding and to their parents. Each SIG is responsible for leading and coordinating a different parent group. This in turn contributes to achieving the overall aims of the Parent Council and the College. The Parent Council is always looking for parents who are willing to volunteer some of their time to help support the College and the students, staff, parents and friends who form our community.

For further information about the parent council please contact the chair at:

E: [email protected]


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