From Santa Maria to Global Tech: Elisha’s Inspiring Journey

Elisha Bethe, Santa Maria College Class of 2017, now a Global Information Management Officer at VGW

At Santa Maria College, we take immense pride in celebrating the achievements of our alumni. Today, we shine the spotlight on Elisha Bethe, a graduate from the Class of 2017, who has carved a unique path in the fields of technology and law.

A Journey of Discovery and Growth

After graduating in 2017, Elisha took a well-deserved break to travel. She began her tertiary studies at Curtin University in the latter part of 2018, where she pursued a Bachelor of Commerce, majoring in Accounting and Business Law. Graduating in 2021, she quickly adapted to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and furthered her education with a postgraduate diploma in Emerging Technologies and Law at RMIT.

Elisha’s career began in a small private accounting firm as a tax agent. However, her passion for technology steered her towards a postgraduate diploma in technology law and compliance. This pivotal decision allowed her to diversify her professional scope, leading to a fulfilling career.

Thriving in the Technology Sector

Elisha’s change of direction into the technology sector began when she transitioned from traditional accounting to financial technology, working for a start-up on the east coast. Her dedication and expertise propelled her to the role of Senior Strategist within two years. Seeking new challenges, she landed a position at VGW, a major gaming technology company, where she is currently the Global Information Management Officer.

In her role, Elisha is responsible for developing and enforcing data governance policies, auditing security and privacy controls, assessing data risks, and managing internal stakeholder meetings. Her work is both demanding and rewarding, offering her the flexibility to work flexible hours and travel.

Achievements and Challenges

Elisha’s career is marked by numerous achievements, including working in a predominantly male industry and mentoring younger girls, an endeavour she is particularly passionate about. One of her biggest challenges was navigating redundancy early in her career, an experience she now values as a lesson in resilience and self-worth.

Elisha and her team at the WiTWA (Women in Tech WA) Awards night which VGW sponsored.

Life Beyond Work

Outside of her professional life, Elisha enjoys travelling and spending time with friends, family, and her partner. She maintains a healthy work-life balance with activities like Pilates and coffee catch-ups.

Fond Memories of Santa Maria College

Reflecting on her time at Santa Maria College, Elisha cherishes the memories of the New York Performing Arts tour in 2016. She holds a deep appreciation for all the subjects she studied, unable to choose a favourite due to the enriching experiences each provided.

We thank Elisha for sharing her journey with us. 

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