From the President: June 2024

Old Girls' Association President Gemma Varone

Welcome to the June edition of the OGA Blog.

It used to be one woman a week. But this year, an Australian woman is being violently killed every four days. I realise that’s a pretty confronting way for me to start this newsletter, but if the events of the last week have shown us anything, it’s that no one is safe. You might be thinking, “What can I do to help?” Having a conversation is the easiest first step. We all need to be talking about this. Without awareness, there can be no change. We owe it to the two women whose lives were taken last Friday. And we owe it to our mothers, sisters, daughters and friends. Enough is enough.

Thank you to all of our members who made it to the OGA Movie Night earlier this week. It was a wonderful turnout, providing a great opportunity for friends to catch up. The Way, My Way was a brilliant film that was both entertaining and insightful. Thank you also for your generous contributions to Homelessness We Care. I know how much they’ll appreciate the extra snacks, especially as this cold weather sets in.

Until next time.

Gemma Varone (2009), President

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