Sophie’s Service!

Year 10 students Sophie Krummenacher and Amity Tsakgaris planting trees for the City of Melville

Following on from our service article on 30 July, Year 10 student Sophie Krummenacher, chose to complete her service hours at two different agencies, allowing her to experience a greater range of opportunities. We asked Sophie about her service activities.

Where did you complete your service?
The two agencies I chose were Carinya Aged Care in Bicton, along with the City of Melville. Completing my service at two different agencies that required me to complete two very different tasks, broadened my understanding of the different ways we can help others through service. Whether it is directly helping others one on one, or through my actions to provide a positive effect on the greater scheme of events, like the environment.

What activities did you do?
I was required to complete very different tasks at my two service placements. At Carinya I helped in more personal activities, such as speaking to the residents, getting to know each of them and experiencing the joy they found when reminiscing about their childhood or speaking of their own child’s achievements. I also helped the carers by assisting the residents to move to and from their lunchtime meal and helped run activities for the residents, such as bingo. At the City of Melville, I helped in a more hands-on way, participating in one of their tree planting days at Piney Lakes. This service required me to participate in activities such as helping set up the event, putting up the shade tents and helping move all the trees into the right position to be planted. After this was done, I helped to plant the trees and finally assisted packing up the event.

What have you gained from this service activity?
By completing service, I not only gained a sense of accomplishment in making a difference and contributing positively to people and the community, but I also gained personal confidence. Service, I found, is a great way to improve confidence as it provides an opportunity to try something new and build a sense of personal achievement through learning new skills and meeting new people.

Do you think it’s important to do service and if so, why?
I think service is important because it not only helps to better the community and help others, it also helps to better yourself as an individual. Through actions, service encourages us to think of others and the wider world, moving our thoughts from ourselves. The more we help others, the more we seek the feel-good feeling we gain from participating in service and the more we want to continue helping others. Service is a free way to feel good, gain valuable experiences and values, whilst helping others and making them feel good too.

The Value of Student Voice – Jennifer Oaten

“At Santa Maria College, we are not only given the opportunity, but we are encouraged by our teachers and each other to voice our opinions, concerns and ideas—to continue moving forward as a school and as a community. Student voice is integral for growth, and allows for us, as students to have an active role in shaping our education.”

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