Mary Power Gives Engaging Presentation to Year 11 Students

Mary Power from mPower People presented to the Year 11 girls in PCT this week. She explained how differences in our personalities can impact how we relate and deal with each other.

The girls completed a very simple behavioural style quiz which gave them a small insight into what styles they might be.

Mary discussed the strengths and weaknesses of each style, explaining how we need each of them to work together. While this may be the case, it does also open the door for conflict.

Mary’s engaging presentation was very much appreciated by the students. The session will open the door for further discussions about:

  • working with our peers
  • being able to recognise different strengths and weaknesses in each other
  • how to use different strengths to work with each other effectively when these differences present challenges.

This message is important at school but also in friendships, in the workplace and in future study and work opportunities.

We all learnt to value our differences as women and the importance of collaborating with people who think differently. Amity Tsagaris

My take-away is that no matter who we are, what our strengths are, what our personalities are, we all have the ability to work together and cooperate in order to create a harmonious environment. Especially as young women, it is important that we support and respect each other, and help each other to achieve our goals. Sarah Durston

Mary has worked as a mediator, facilitator and trainer for more than 20 years. She has lectured in master’s programs at Curtin University and in the Law School at UWA. Mary has extensive experience as a facilitator, negotiator, mediator and trainer. Mary’s expertise takes her into the field of leadership and team development, specialising in what some may see as more ‘challenging’ projects. Mary has built up a formidable reputation in this area. (ref

Combating The Attention Span Crisis In Our Students – Jennifer Oaten

It is no secret that attention spans have been steadily declining, especially among younger generations growing up immersed in digital technology. The average person’s attention span when using a digital device has plummeted from around two and a half minutes back in 2004 to just 47 seconds on average today – a dramatic 66% decrease over the past two decades.

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