Swimming to Rottnest

The annual Rottnest Channel Swim was held over the weekend with a number of our Year 11 students taking part.

Jessica Craig and Brooklyn Barr, alongside a student from Melville High School and Penrhos College, made up the team ‘Aqua Bombs’. The girls were the third women’s team to cross the line and 17th overall – a tremendous effort.

Above: Jessica Craig (2nd from left) and Brooklyn Barr (far right) with their teammates after receiving their awards.

Indiana Montgomery swam in the team ‘Catch Us If You Can’ with students from St Mary’s and PLC. While Sharni Crouch, Macy Sicree, Lucy Anderson and Georgia Anderson made up the team called ‘MNG’. Bianca Zoiti swam in a team called ‘B and the Buoys’.

Indiana said her biggest challenge in the swim was the last 800 metres. “I was so close to the finish line and so tired, it was hard getting one arm over the other, but I kept persevering and made it to the finish line, and that feeling of finishing was so amazing!”.

Above: Indiana Montgomery during her race.

Team MNG coming out of the water after their race.

When asked about her preparation for the swim Lucy Anderson said “In the lead up to the channel swim my team and I went to Cottesloe and Bicton baths to practice with the boats and paddlers to finalise changeovers. Whilst also doing swimming training three times a week.”

It was one of the most amazing things I have ever done! An experience I will never forget!” said Georgia Anderson.

Macy Sicree said the hardest part of the race for her was “being continuously stung by stingers and blue bottle jelly fish and just having to keep swimming even though you’re tired, your whole body is aching and now you’re covered in stings.” When asked what the best part was, she said, “The best part was crossing the line with an amazing group of girls and now being able to share this amazing achievement with them.”

What an amazing feat for these young women. Congratulations girls!

From L to R: Lucy Anderson, Sharni Crouch, Macy Sicree, Georgia Anderson – Team MNG

The Value of Student Voice – Jennifer Oaten

“At Santa Maria College, we are not only given the opportunity, but we are encouraged by our teachers and each other to voice our opinions, concerns and ideas—to continue moving forward as a school and as a community. Student voice is integral for growth, and allows for us, as students to have an active role in shaping our education.”

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