Students Take Charge of their Mindset with Mindboss

For the past month, the Year 10 REACH class have been participating in workshops run by Sam Cobb, founder of Mindboss.  Mindboss is a social enterprise program empowering young people in developing a toolkit of positive coping strategies for when life gets tough.

The workshops are aligned with the Australian Health Curriculum, and goals for each workshop include:

Bouncing Back

To develop a toolkit of coping strategies to develop and sustain their resilience for when life throws its curveballs.

 The Inner Critic

To realise that the relationship they have with themselves is for life – the most precious, long-term, significant relationship they have.

Identity in the Wired World

To implement some strategies that make it easier to disconnect, to not let technology disturb their sleep and to remain truly connected to those who matter.

Future Unknown

To find strategies that support them to keep moving forward without feeling weighed down by the pressure to know it all right now.

It was fantastic to see the girls totally engaged in every aspect of the workshops; to quote them:

“I learnt that you don’t always bounce onwards or upwards, sometimes it’s sideways.”

“I found the ways she gave us to improve our sleep really helpful; I set my screen time to night mode, I started using the night shift mode and I stopped charging my phone in my bedroom.”

 “One of the best things about the sessions was that while Sam was teaching us these things she also made it fun, making the activities interactive.”

“Overall, I really enjoyed the sessions with Sam. She taught really valuable lessons all while making it fun and exciting.”

“I loved how positive everything she taught us was, we learnt how to recognise our inner critic and how to push aside negative thoughts and habits, then replace them with a positive mindset and thinking.”

“ She taught us how to face the unknown, decision making and our strength zone.”

The Value of Student Voice – Jennifer Oaten

“At Santa Maria College, we are not only given the opportunity, but we are encouraged by our teachers and each other to voice our opinions, concerns and ideas—to continue moving forward as a school and as a community. Student voice is integral for growth, and allows for us, as students to have an active role in shaping our education.”

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