Kicking the Term Off With Kindness

The 2020 Mental Health Ambassadors put a new initiative into place this week as the girls returned from the school holidays.

The ambassadors want to support students and create a sense of warmth and positivity at the beginning of each term. So, they used uplifting music and the College Instagram frame to create a warm and fun experience as the girls returned for Term 4.

The girls welcomed their fellow students, handing out kindness cards with positive affirmations, as they entered the College. The Years 5 & 6 students each received a kindness bookmark in their Homerooms. The bookmarks were designed by the ambassadors, with the support of the Community Relations team. 

“Being able to put a smile on your fellow classmate’s faces and make their day, even if it’s just one person is one of the most rewarding feelings”, said Mental Health Ambassador, Ella Neilson. “This is why I loved being part of the mental health team’s first day back at school kindness initiative, as we got the opportunity to brighten people’s day!” 

Evie McCormack said, “I love promoting mental health and wellbeing through being a part of the mental health team. I have learnt so much about working in a team and how to put my ideas into reality.”

Wellbeing Captain Charlotte Scurry said, “I have loved seeing how much passion Mrs Franzinelli and the other Mental Health Ambassadors have put into this project and it was so exciting to see it come to life. We are hoping that the fun start to the term puts a smile on everyone’s faces and that the cards and bookmarks can be a timely source of motivation at this time in the year.”

The Value of Student Voice – Jennifer Oaten

“At Santa Maria College, we are not only given the opportunity, but we are encouraged by our teachers and each other to voice our opinions, concerns and ideas—to continue moving forward as a school and as a community. Student voice is integral for growth, and allows for us, as students to have an active role in shaping our education.”

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