Shaving for a Cure

The World’s Greatest Shave has been going for 23 years and in that time, it is estimated more than 2 million Australians have taken part, with an estimated 37,500 kilograms of hair removed! The World’s Greatest Shave is an act of solidarity and sends a powerful message of hope to the 47 Australians who are diagnosed with blood cancer every single day.

Two of our Year 9 students joined the shave this year and share their stories below.

Ellie Vrankovich

I participated in the World’s Greatest Shave in memory of my aunty, who recently passed away from cancer. She is greatly missed by my family and myself.

My goal was to raise $560, and with the constant support and encouragement of my family and friends, I managed to raise just over $6000!

My hair was four times longer than the requirements to make a wig, so it was a bit scary to think about how big the change would be. However, I decided to commit as I knew that there is a young girl out there who needs it much more than I do.

I first went into this hoping to raise as much money for cancer research as possible and to raise awareness for blood cancer, and I feel that I have achieved that with everyone’s help.

Sophie Parker

I decided to participate in this challenge as I witnessed a friend lose a close family member. Shaving my head is a small price to pay compared to what the people suffering from blood cancer face, as well as the distress on their family members.

With this money, we can help to pay for accommodation for a family dealing with the stress of a new diagnosis, help fund research projects, and help educate people about blood cancer.

With my personal fundraising link, I raised $2760 dollars, which was well above my goal of $560 dollars. I am proud to have taken part in this and I hope I’ve raised some awareness about blood cancer.

The Value of Student Voice – Jennifer Oaten

“At Santa Maria College, we are not only given the opportunity, but we are encouraged by our teachers and each other to voice our opinions, concerns and ideas—to continue moving forward as a school and as a community. Student voice is integral for growth, and allows for us, as students to have an active role in shaping our education.”

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