Millie & Friends Raise Money for Telethon

Hi, my name is Millie, and I am in Year 7.

Five years ago, my family and I started raising money for the Telethon Kids Institute. It all started on our front lawn one day when I decided to sell some unwanted books to raise some money. I was very young at the time, and I thought that raising $85.00 dollars in eight hours was unbelievable. These eight hours on the front lawn taught me that there were children that needed my donation. From that moment on I decided to make it a yearly event to raise money for Telethon.

The following year my brother and I expanded the unwanted books to include old toys raising over $530.00 dollars with three of my best friends. By the third year, we believed that selling cupcakes would be a good idea.

This plan expanded into what was three tables of baked goods this year over the Telethon weekend. We raised $2,000 dollars in a short two and a half hours. During those hours, when I was not selling cakes to someone, I notice the atmosphere on our front lawn was buzzing with family, friends, my parents work colleagues, neighbours and random passers-by keen to donate for this wonderful cause.

Some customers offered $50.00 for a $2.00 cupcake and declined any change, knowing their generosity is helping the sick kids of WA. The year’s event was only made possible by my mum for the countless hours of baking, my friends (Frankie and Eadie Lucas, Bridget Lowry, Eve McMaster, Jasmine Collins, Isabella Caputi and Valentina Daniele) who have donated their time and amazing baking skills, the East Fremantle community for supporting us and buying our cakes, Our Lady of Fatima for advertising our flyer, and finally my dad for handling most of our advertising and helping us set up.

Over the years, selling cupcakes for disadvantaged kids has changed my perspective on life, it has shown me how happy and healthy I am. So far, we have raised over $5,000 for Telethon with no sign of stopping anytime soon.

Millie Anderson, Year 7

The Value of Student Voice – Jennifer Oaten

“At Santa Maria College, we are not only given the opportunity, but we are encouraged by our teachers and each other to voice our opinions, concerns and ideas—to continue moving forward as a school and as a community. Student voice is integral for growth, and allows for us, as students to have an active role in shaping our education.”

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