All Future Generations: Project Compassion for 2022

Just Leadership is one of our Social Justice Co-curricular groups. They work to raise awareness and fundraise around social justice issues.

This week, the Year 9 Just Leadership girls attended a special zoom call to launch Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion appeal. Along with 48 other primary and secondary schools across Western Australia, we participated in a liturgy led by Trinity College. A range of activities followed this.

The day consisted of learning and fun as we gathered to learn about the incredible impact Caritas has on communities worldwide and how they strive to continue Jesus’ work to help those in need.

Each year, Project Compassion has a theme to help raise funds for people living in some of the most vulnerable communities. The theme for 2022 is ‘All future generations’; this means that what we do now will make the world a better place and help solve global issues in the future.

Tuesday was also a special day because it was Shrove Tuesday (commonly known as Pancake Tuesday). We eat pancakes on this day because it is the final day before we begin to fast on Ash Wednesday. We were fortunate to enjoy some divine pancakes together.

Anatercia from Mozambique

Caritas Australia shared some incredible stories of people whose lives have been changed with the help of Project Compassion. One of the stories was from Anatercia from Mozambique. She travelled up to five hours to collect water every day. Caritas has improved water access and the irrigation supply to her village. Anatercia can now grow crops and feed her family from her farm.

We met Sister Ivy Khoury, who told us about her experience working for Caritas for the past 15 years. Sister Ivy stated, “One of the most rewarding things is being able to provide and to see change. Caritas Australia will go anywhere to help the poor”.

We ask that each student support Caritas’ work by donating $10.00 to their Homeroom’s Project Compassion box.

Annika Conte, Year 9

The Value of Student Voice – Jennifer Oaten

“At Santa Maria College, we are not only given the opportunity, but we are encouraged by our teachers and each other to voice our opinions, concerns and ideas—to continue moving forward as a school and as a community. Student voice is integral for growth, and allows for us, as students to have an active role in shaping our education.”

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