Mission Blog: Empowered to Serve

Last Sunday, the Church celebrated the feast of Pentecost. It is celebrated 50 days after Easter. Pentecost is one of the important feast days of the year that concludes the Easter season. It celebrates the beginning of the Church and the Church’s mission to the world. In our Year of Service, as a community of faith, we must be particularly observant of the call to serve with love.

Our Mission  

As a faith community, we are summoned to transform the poor both materially and spiritually for the glory of Jesus Christ. Through the gift of the Holy Spirit received at Baptism, we are empowered to attend to the poor in our community to give aid through a network of welfare agencies across our dioceses. This is our mission and a very effective way to assist the needy.  Not only does it help break the cycle of poverty, but it advances the call of Jesus to serve Him by serving the weakest amongst us.

When God calls us to serve Him, we find assurance knowing we don’t rely on our own strength and ability. We trust totally in the Holy Spirit to make us ready to fulfil what He is stirring our hearts to do. “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8.

Students packing donated items for the Winter Appeal

Our Life-giving Actions

With our Winter Appeal well underway, students and staff are bringing in non-perishable food items, socks, beanies, scarves, and cash donations as our way of showing we care for the needy. St Patrick’s Care in Fremantle, the St Vincent de Paul Society and the Archbishop’s Shopfront are the three agencies that will benefit from our generosity. Over the last few years, the demand for assistance from these agencies has increased, and therefore, we need to be more generous in our support for the wonderful work they do.

Everyone Has a Part to Play

We have a lot to be grateful for. The things we take for granted like a warm bed, healthy meals and adequate clothing are the things an ever-increasing number of people go without.   

In a country as rich as Australia, no one should have to go without the necessities of life. We cannot idly standby and forget our brothers and sisters in need. We have a duty to care for the most vulnerable in society and are ultimately judged as a nation on how well we care for the weakest amongst us. If everyone of us plays our small part and offers what we can, collectively, we can make a positive impact on the lives of many.

If you would like to donate goods to the appeal, please see the poster below. You can send the items in with your daughter(s) or drop them at College Reception.

May God bless us in our endeavours to be large-hearted.

Jilly Landers | Director of Mission

The Value of Student Voice – Jennifer Oaten

“At Santa Maria College, we are not only given the opportunity, but we are encouraged by our teachers and each other to voice our opinions, concerns and ideas—to continue moving forward as a school and as a community. Student voice is integral for growth, and allows for us, as students to have an active role in shaping our education.”

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