Year 12 Art Encounter Day

One of the five pillars of our Strategic Plan is Learning for Life, providing students with opportunities to develop skills and attributes, which will prepare them for a future beyond school.

Our Year 12 Art Encounter Days enable students to hear from local professional artists and under their guidance, complete art pieces uninterrupted. These pieces then contribute to bodies of work and folio submissions.

The artists and designers talk to the girls about their work, career, and background. They bring in samples of their work and provide images for inspiration. The girls also receive career advice about different pathways in the arts. The artists direct them in new and innovative styles and ways they may not have experienced or seen before.

Wade Taylor working with Visual Art students

On Sunday, Wade Taylor and Angela Ferolla shared their skills and experience with the girls.

Wade Taylor is not a stranger to Santa Maria, having been our 2020 Artist in Residence.  Wade is a Perth artist who works primarily with pain exploring issues surrounding Australian identity and landscape, with a focus on the materiality of paint and the emotive properties of colour and light. Wade worked with our Visual Art students to complete an urban landscape in oil paints on canvas.

Angela Ferolla working with Design students

Angela Ferolla is a Fremantle fashion stalwart who has her own vibrant fashion label Rocucu.  Angela also teaches textiles to costume design students at WAAPA. Angela is an inspiring and innovative tutor, running workshops at the Fremantle Arts Centre. She took time out of her busy schedule to present to the Design students, who learnt more sophisticated techniques for screen printing, such as blocking, multi-colour prints, offsetting prints, and creating transparent inks for hand painting.


Here’s what some of the girls had to say.

“Today’s design day helped me explore different ideas and understand colour theory in more detail.” Ellie Fowler

“I learnt that some art may look simple, but a lot of work and ideas have gone into creating it.” Tia Leigh

“I learnt a lot about colour mixing, and how using cooler and warmer colours creates different effects. Also, I got to try out a more expressive style, about focusing on capturing the right values.” Terezina Pearson

“Wade Taylor taught me to be expressive with paint and to understand tone in colour.” Lily Uphill

“The art workshop helped me develop an understanding of tonal value and expressive brushwork. This helped me with Art by giving me a wider understanding of Art styles and has assisted me in approaching doing a landscape” Alice Handcock

The Value of Student Voice – Jennifer Oaten

“At Santa Maria College, we are not only given the opportunity, but we are encouraged by our teachers and each other to voice our opinions, concerns and ideas—to continue moving forward as a school and as a community. Student voice is integral for growth, and allows for us, as students to have an active role in shaping our education.”

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