Future Proofing Our Students

Pathways Planning Day

Each year, our Year 10 students participate in several events and activities to prepare them for selecting their Years 11 and 12 pathway. Commencing in the final weeks of Term 2, the girls hear from speakers, including Heads of Learning Areas, teachers and alumni, who provide information and insights into the different courses and pathways available to senior students.

Our Year 10s engaged in a Pathways Planning day in the last week of Term 2, which explains the different pathways on offer to achieve the WACE and secondary graduation. One of the day’s highlights was listening to alumni members share their journeys from high school to TAFE and Uni through to employment. In particular, the girls love hearing about the different paths that have led our past students to sometimes unexpected destinations and how passions can morph into careers.

Alumni sharing their stories

At our Course Expo, each Learning Area showcased the various ATAR and General courses on offer to students in Year 11, 2023. Anyone would think it was a competition to see which department could make the most impressive and attractive table display! Representatives from Murdoch, Curtin, UWA, the University of Notre Dame, North and South Metro TAFE and the Defence Forces were also on hand to provide information on the vast number of options for Years 11 and 12 and beyond. Simone Sawiris, Deputy Principal, Teaching & Learning, addressed the Year 10s and their parents to explain the WACE pathway options and the nuances of secondary graduation and course selection. The requirements for graduation have certainly changed in the past 10 years, so the presentation was appreciated by our parents.

Course Expo

For those deciding whether to take the ACCESS pathway, an information session was held for students and their parents. It gave an overview of the program, including TAFE certificates, available courses and the advantages of workplace learning. 

The final pieces in the course selection puzzle are the Course Counselling interviews currently in progress. A team of ten experienced staff are meeting with the entire cohort of Year 10s during the first two weeks of Term 3. While this is undoubtedly a big job, it is an excellent opportunity to discuss individual interests and goals to help set students on the right pathway, with the most suitable courses, for success.

Course Counselling Interviews

The journey to the WACE varies for each student. By working with staff and their parents, students have the opportunity to achieve their dreams and hopefully enjoy the journey along the way.

We look forward to continuing to work with each member of the Class of 2024 to ensure she is ready for the world after Santa Maria College.

Simone Sawiris | Deputy Principal, Teaching & Learning

The Value of Student Voice – Jennifer Oaten

“At Santa Maria College, we are not only given the opportunity, but we are encouraged by our teachers and each other to voice our opinions, concerns and ideas—to continue moving forward as a school and as a community. Student voice is integral for growth, and allows for us, as students to have an active role in shaping our education.”

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