Innovating through Explore8

Explore8 is the Year 8 component of our newly launched emPOWER Learning Projects.

This deep-learning task aims to extend the learning of all students in Year 8. It is also designed to encourage the exploration of new ideas in a structured and supported process.

This year’s Explore8 learning project saw students solve an every day (local, rather than global) problem experienced by a person or group in society or an environmental problem.

The girls were led through the Design Thinking Process to identify ways to solve their issues and generate a workable solution. This formed the basis of their Explore8 project.

Over a six-day period off their traditional timetable, students brought their solution to life and created a prototype. They also put together a two-minute video pitch that was shared on SEQTA folio for Year 8 parents to see.

To complement their learning, students’ days were filled with amazing, innovative guest speakers, including alumni Elissa Glorie, founder of sustainable underwear brand Moja, and Grace Hendricks. She is a physiotherapist and spends her time volunteering in the Kimberly and Pilbara.

The girls also participated in a variety of skills sessions, one-on-one sessions with a teacher mentor, and fun mind gym activities.

Through the Explore8 learning project, we hope the girls will take their ideas forward as entrepreneurs and develop them further in the future.

Anne Fisher, Dean of Students – Year 8 and Explore8 Coordinator, says, “The most wonderful part of this project is seeing the passion and creativity the girls show towards helping others.”

“Through completing Explore8, the girls will be inspired to enact social change and find ways to impact people and our planet positively.”, adds Anne.

Check out the video below, where Ava and Gabrielle talk more in-depth about their Explore8 project and overall experience:

To view Ava’s original ‘pitch’, click here.

For more information on Gabrielle’s prototype, click here.

The Value of Student Voice – Jennifer Oaten

“At Santa Maria College, we are not only given the opportunity, but we are encouraged by our teachers and each other to voice our opinions, concerns and ideas—to continue moving forward as a school and as a community. Student voice is integral for growth, and allows for us, as students to have an active role in shaping our education.”

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