Resilience & Determination at IGSSA Athletics

Our IGSSA Athletics girls took to the WA Athletics Stadium on Tuesday to compete in the annual IGSSA Athletics carnival. The weather was not looking kind from the start of the day, but this didn’t dampen our girls’ enthusiasm and determination. The squad had been training since the beginning of Term 3 and for the last two weeks, had been perfecting their starts, run-ups, and other technical aspects of their events.

Whilst we might have been disappointed with our overall result of sixth place, we could not be disappointed in our individual performers. An aspect of the day that our staff love is watching girls return from their event with massive smiles on their faces, eager to tell us their new personal best (PB). At the start of the day, we ask our girls to aim for a PB or look to catch one person in front of them. They did all this and more!

We must make a special mention to our army of reserves who also supported our team on the day. Whenever our girls say “I’m just a reserve” we quickly point out that this cannot be further from the truth. Our reserves push the team to do better and train harder, so they are well prepared for competition day. They also keep those competing calm and ready. Not to mention, many of our reserves were called upon to compete at the last minute and we are so proud of this group of girls.

There were so many PB results and amazing performances from our team. A massive congratulations must go to our Year 7 girls, who finished third in their year group pennant, and our Year 8s who were only six points off third place. 

Another special mention must go to Jayde Veverka in Year 7, who is now the IGSSA Year 7 200m record holder. A truly remarkable achievement! 

Year 7 student, Jayde Veverka, who is now an IGSSA Athletics record holder!

The future of athletics is looking bright at Santa Maria. We thank and farewell our talented and dedicated Year 12s who have created this wonderful team girls strive to be a part of every year.

IGSSA Athletics Captains for 2022.

The Value of Student Voice – Jennifer Oaten

“At Santa Maria College, we are not only given the opportunity, but we are encouraged by our teachers and each other to voice our opinions, concerns and ideas—to continue moving forward as a school and as a community. Student voice is integral for growth, and allows for us, as students to have an active role in shaping our education.”

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