A Celebration of Art and Nature on Art Day

Art Day is an eagerly anticipated annual celebration dedicated to nurturing creativity and artistic expression among our students. This special occasion is all about exploring diverse art forms, unleashing imagination, and providing a platform for our talented students to showcase their abilities.

This year’s Art Day theme, ‘In Bloom,’ was carefully chosen by Lesley Nation, Head of Visual Arts, and Art Captain Amy Oaten. They aimed to capture the beauty of nature as it awakens during springtime, with a focus on flowers, blossoms, growth, and renewal. The theme allowed students to immerse themselves in the captivating world of nature’s vibrant colours and life.

Prior to the event, the girls were encouraged to participate in an annual drawing competition centred around the same theme. The results were inspiring, showcasing the creativity and skills of our students. On the day itself, students were given the opportunity to paint, collage, draw, and contribute to an evolving and blossoming art installation in the gallery. Additionally, they could have their faces painted or contribute to a new mural in Doyle Lane, featuring a beautiful garden of flowers.

The Year 12 Art girls played a pivotal role in ensuring the day’s success. Their valuable assistance in planning the activities, developing the mural, and creating a welcoming atmosphere was instrumental in making the event run smoothly. It was heart-warming to witness the Year 12s dedicating their time on the Sunday before Art Day to paint the central motif and prepare the rest of the mural design for the big day.

Year 12 Art and Design Students

Art Day extends beyond just art creation; it’s also about fostering a sense of community and cultivating appreciation for art. This enriching experience provides a supportive and inclusive environment where students can freely express themselves and build confidence in their artistic abilities.

The day was filled with joy and excitement as junior girls enjoyed having their faces painted by the Year 12s, who donned outfits inspired by blooming flowers or their favourite artists.

Overall, Art Day was an outstanding success, and we couldn’t be prouder of the artistic spirit demonstrated by our students. Events like these serve as a reminder of art’s power to unite people and celebrate the beauty of life through creative expression. It reinforces the significance of art in enriching our lives and bringing joy to the community.

Drawing Competition Winners & Runner Ups

Winners and Runner Ups from the Drawing Competition

Year 5
Winner: Mia Shan
Runner Up: Giulietta Chapman

Year 6
Winner: Indi Fulwood
Runner up: Skyella Dragicevich

Year 7
Winner: Lianne Kim
Runner up: Ruby Beaver

Year 8
Winner: Ariane Foster
Runner up: Caitlynn Tay Fernandez

Years 9/10
Winner: Evie McMaster
Runner up: Deandra Vaz

The Value of Student Voice – Jennifer Oaten

“At Santa Maria College, we are not only given the opportunity, but we are encouraged by our teachers and each other to voice our opinions, concerns and ideas—to continue moving forward as a school and as a community. Student voice is integral for growth, and allows for us, as students to have an active role in shaping our education.”

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