Accelerating Awareness: Year 10 Students Gear Up for Road Safety Success!

At the RAC bStreetSmart event on Tuesday, Julian Pace, Founder of The Happiness Co Organisation, imparted some profound wisdom: “Self-projection is a direct reflection of your actions and behaviours.” This quote will stay marked with our Year 10 students after this impactful excursion.

Held annually at the RAC Arena to raise awareness about road safety, the RAC bStreetSmart event commenced with a gripping reenactment, vividly illustrating the grim reality of crashes and their aftermath, leaving the 7000 students in attendance deeply marked. 

Robert Pike, Car accident survivor and speaker

The event’s inaugural speaker, Rob Pike, a survivor of a car accident, delivered a moving narrative to us. Enduring a devastating car crash at just 17, he lost three friends and suffered the loss of his legs below the knees. Rob recounted his firsthand experience and recollections from that fateful day, enlightening students about the dangers of reckless driving.

Year 10 students with Dana Noamis (Class of 2008)

During lunch, students engaged with police officers examined accident scenes up close and gained insights into ambulance operations alongside skilled WA paramedics. Some were fortunate to meet Dana Noamis, a key organiser of the RAC bStreetSmart event and alumna from the Class of 2008.

The next speaker was Dr. Sudhakar Rao, a well-respected trauma surgeon from Royal Perth Hospital, who presented images depicting the harsh realities of injuries from road accidents. Dr Rao’s efforts in establishing trauma services for Western Australia underscored the collaborative endeavour involving organisations like St John Ambulance and the Royal Flying Doctor Service.

The day concluded with Julian Pace, CEO of Happiness Co, delivering impactful words, underscoring the vital connection between self-perception and behaviour. With a goal to positively influence 10 million lives within a decade, Julian emphasised the significance of self-worth in nurturing care for oneself and others.

For Year 10 students poised on the brink of learning to drive, this day proved profoundly enlightening and indispensable.

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