Lights, Camera, Action! Recapping the Year 11 Drama Excursion

In 1675, Isaac Newton wrote the famous words, “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants,” capturing the profound essence of collaboration and its boundless potential for remarkable achievements.

Echoing this sentiment, the Year 11 Drama Day emerges as an exhilarating prospect for students, offering them a platform to participate and collaborate in various workshops guided by seasoned industry professionals. Last Thursday, eight Year 11 Drama students head to Penrhos College, seizing the opportunity to immerse themselves in this enriching experience.

Throughout the day, students eagerly engaged in diverse workshops, delving into various facets of the dramatic arts. These workshops encompassed an expansive spectrum of topics, ranging from the intricacies of improvisation under the guidance of actress Penny Schlam and actor Murray Dowsett, to the nuanced art of script analysis facilitated by Nicola Renton from The Actors Workshop. Students had the invaluable opportunity to refine their skills in character development through immersive sessions led by playwright Donna Hughes, and actor Kim Fleming. Such collaborative endeavours not only provided a platform for skill enhancement but also fostered a rich environment for students to gain firsthand insights and expertise from industry professionals, enriching their experience by exploring a wide range of valuable skills that they can apply both on and off the stage. 

Reflecting on the excursion, Drama teacher Kathryn Capozzi shares the following:

“It was wonderful to see the girls collaborate seamlessly with students from other Colleges and wholeheartedly throw themselves into the workshops. Their interactions with both peers and instructors exemplified the core values of Santa Maria. Not only were they instrumental in fostering a sense of safety and inclusion, but they also exemplified the essence of hospitality throughout the entire day.” 

Hospitality, our chosen Mercy Value for 2024, deeply resonates within our school community and serves as a guiding principle that we strive to embody both within and beyond the College.

When asked about their most memorable moments from the excursion, the students eagerly shared their experiences:

“The drama day was fun and a great way to improve my skills in Drama, meet new people and get an introduction to future tests and assessments l’ll be doing this year. Overall, it was a great day, and l can’t wait for next year.”  Lily Sprigg 

“I really enjoyed spending time with other schools and making new friends whilst working on my acting skills.” Annie Nichols

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