What’s Been Happening in Careers?

We chatted this week with Leana Martin, Head of Careers & Transition at the College to find out what’s been happening in the Careers Centre during Term 1. 

The Careers Centre recently hosted guests from the Australian Defence Force. Can you share some insights into the recent visit? What topics were covered, and how do you see this impacting our students’ understanding of careers in the Defence Force? 

The defence force offer a range of opportunities to school graduates, providing pathways to develop valuable skills, gain education and training and serve the nation. They offer education and training programs to school graduates, including leadership development courses, technical training and specialised qualification in areas such as engineering, aviation, healthcare and information technology. They can also apply through ADFA that provides undergraduate education and military training simultaneously. Cadets can earn a degree from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) while receiving military training and preparing for careers as officers in the ADF. The ADF offers opportunities for school graduates to pursue specialist roles in areas such as cyber warfare, intelligence, special forces, medical services, legal services, chaplaincy, and more.

You’ve recently hosted visits from representatives from different universities. What universities were involved, and what opportunities were discussed for our students?

We had a representative from Bond University visit and speak to our students about the courses they offer, and the Vynka Hohnen Scholarship which is a fully paid scholarship to one WA student. WA students who are interested in going to Bond University will be flown over (by the university) to the campus for their open day to see if the university is right for them. 

We also had a guest from the Australian National University, Canberra (ANU) visit and speak to our students about the courses ANU offers and campus life in Canberra. Another highlight was finding out about the Tuckwell Scholarship (worth $26k per year), applications for this close on 3 April.

We had a past student Kayla Monaco (Class of 2022) zoom in from Sydney to speak to the Years 10 – 12 students about the Bachelor of Accounting Co-op Scholarship (BAcc) (valued at up to $54,000). This is a three-year program, providing students with immense opportunities to kickstart their accounting careers. By studying and completing two 6-month internships and a two-week exchange program to Jakarta. This course provides students with highly desirable and regarded qualifications, which have been supported by BAcc’s 100% future employment rate.

A representative from UWA also came in and spoke about the pathway into Medicine and Dentistry, outlining the application process, including the UCAT, the interview and post-graduate options.

What feedback have you received from students regarding the presentations by the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and the universities?

Students seemed very keen after hearing about the variety of opportunities available through the ADF, and lots of the girls stayed behind to ask the officers who presented questions. A few students went on to attend the ADFA presentation that was held in the city on Wednesday 27 March.

In what ways do you believe these engagements align with our school’s broader career guidance objectives? How do they contribute to our students’ career readiness and exploration?

They contribute to students’ career readiness and exploration by exposing them to a range of career and study options. These sessions provide information and inspiration and offer opportunities for interaction, mentorship and professional connections. 

What other events does the Careers Centre have coming up for our students to help prepare them for future study or work pathways? 

In Term 2, the Sisterhood Series commences. The Sisterhood Series is exclusively for students in Years 10 – 12 and offers the chance to hear from inspirational alumni guest speakers. Our students get to learn about their unique career paths and gain insight into how they got to where they are today. It is the perfect opportunity to make connections with successful professionals and get inspired for their own future.

Our first session is with Jess Tropiana, who is currently serving as a Discloser Officer at the WA Police Force and is pursuing a master’s degree in criminology. The second session is Jessica Sutton. Jessica has experience working in social media/advertising. Over the past 10 years, she has worked as a graphic designer and Art Director in-house, in agency and freelance.

You can always find our upcoming events in the fortnightly careers newsletter that is sent to Years 10 – 12 students and parents on the College app.

If you would like more information about any of the sessions mentioned in this article, you can contact Leana Martin by email at [email protected]

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