Religious Education: Clare O’Connor

1. What does your role involve?

Leading a team of dedicated Religious Education teachers to provide quality teaching and learning to all students in the College. In a Catholic school, Religious Education is considered the first learning area so it requires close attention in the overall curriculum. I also support the liturgical life of the College by assisting with the religious events and activities the College provides for students.

2. What do you enjoy about leading the Religious Education learning area at SMC?

The staff is enthusiastic, energetic and fun. I don’t think there has been one day at work where I haven’t had a laugh about something. They are supportive of me in my role. We are very cohesive and I know I can rely on the team to get things done.

It is sometimes a challenge to teach Religious Education to students in an increasingly secular world, however, the RE staff know how important it is and truly believe in the benefits of the subject for our girls, now and in the future.

3. Which of the Connecting Learning to Life attributes does your learning area develop especially well in students?

Religious Education develops social attributes very well. Respect, compassion, and stewardship are fostered through the RE programs at each year level. Our goal as a learning area is to encourage these qualities in the students and help them understand the importance of such qualities in their relationships with others.

4. What are you looking forward to doing more of in your learning area this year?

I always look forward to the relationships with the students. It is a real privilege to teach at this college. The students are so lovely. I also look forward to continuing to cultivate relationships within the staff, helping them showcase their particular gifts and talents.

5. In what ways do you support students and parents in the College?

I think the best way to support students is to provide purposeful assessment and effective feedback to them. This is what really helps students improve and succeed. Keeping the lines of communication open with parents is important too. It is really a partnership between the parents and the staff. We have the same goal as parents in the sense that we want the best for their daughters.

Embracing Tradition: Praying the Rosary

One of the cherished traditions that we hold dear is our weekly gathering in the chapel to recite the Rosary. The Rosary isn’t just a routine prayer; it’s a sacred tradition that brings us together in faith and love.

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