Finalists in Australian Space Design Competition

Adayna Fozday and Freya Knowles

Over four weeks, during Term 3, some of our students have been working on entries into the Space Design Competitions run by Space Designs Competitions Australia (SDCA). SDCA’s goal is to ensure Australian students are at the cutting edge of industry-relevant STEM learning.

One of the four teams to enter into the Junior Space Design Competition (Years 5 – 8) has been nominated as a finalist. The team consists of Year 5 students Adayna Fozdar and Freya Knowles.

The Project

The girls had to create a 90-second marketing video with the scenario that they are now in 2065. The girls’ video is selling their idea of a space instalment in the Aldrin Cycler. This instalment would ferry people and goods between Mars and Earth.

In their presentation, the girls are encouraging people to live and work in the space instalment. The instalment accommodates 6500 temporary and permanent residents. For their entry, the students needed to come up with:

  • a design idea for the space instalment
  • briefly explain its structure
  • explain the different compartments
  • the jobs needed
  • the estimated pay for those jobs

They also needed to introduce one piece of technology that residents can use while on the ship.

We also have a team entered into the Australian Space Design Competition (for students from Years 8 – 12). Finalists will be announced on 2 October. 

Here is their submission.

The Value of Student Voice – Jennifer Oaten

“At Santa Maria College, we are not only given the opportunity, but we are encouraged by our teachers and each other to voice our opinions, concerns and ideas—to continue moving forward as a school and as a community. Student voice is integral for growth, and allows for us, as students to have an active role in shaping our education.”

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