Meet Our 2021 Eco Justice Captain: Monique

Over coming weeks, we will be introducing you to the 2021 Porfolio Captains. We start of this week with Monique D’amto, our Eco Justice Captain.

What is your portfolio position?

Eco Justice

Why did you apply for that position?

Ever since I joined Eco Sisters in Year 9, I have had a true passion for sustainability and instigating practices that will reduce the stress of the rising global crisis of climate change. I felt a strong willingness to break the ignorant habits of today’s consumeristic society in regard to pollution, degradation, and unbiodegradable materials.

What do you hope to achieve in your position?

I wish to educate/promote environmental awareness to the students at Santa Maria and to expose them to future risks. I want students to take time to reflect on whether they are stewards of creation and how much of a phenomenally positive impact such small actions like using containers for your lunch/recess instead of glad wrap can have towards developing a cleaner, more pristine earth.

What’s your favourite thing about Santa Maria?

The students. Santa Maria has offered me the ability to form such incredible lifelong friendships right from the start of Year 5, a support crew that has shaped my love for the college and desire to learn, interact and strive to achieve my greatest potential.

What is one piece of advice for new students starting at Santa Maria next year?

Take every opportunity you get. Santa Maria offers an exceptionally broad range of co-curricular options, which personally has contributed incredibly to my personal development. Make high school a positive experience. An experience which you will treasure for the rest of your life. Be confident. Be brave. And have fun.

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