2021 GRIP Leadership Conference

The Year 10 Leadership Team, led by Mrs Murray, Dean of Students, journeyed to the Perth CBD this week, for what proved to be a day full of enjoyment and inspiration.

The GRIP Leadership Conference focuses on improving the quality of leadership in schools throughout Western Australia. Not only were we advised on how to properly represent our schools’ ideologies and beliefs, but we were also given time to workshop new ideas for our school community.

The session coordinators stressed the importance of improving, innovating, and instigating. Improving areas of the school environment that need attention. Generating innovative ways to unite and connect students. Instigating change in a way that includes every student whilst attending to the needs of the College community.

As well as attending sessions run by the GRIP Leadership team, we were able to choose several elective workshops. This allowed us to have in-depth conversations about changes we wanted to see in our College community. Being able to cross-check our ideas with students from other schools proved invaluable. The conclusion of the conference left us confident and well and truly prepared for the rest of our leadership journey. 

Sophia Marra, Year 10

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