Ava Gets A Taste of the Mining Industry

Trying to decide what you want to do when you leave school is challenging to say the least. During the last school holidays, Curtin University hosted a mining camp for students interested in discovering more about this industry. 

Ava Edwards (Year 11) was one of 20 students from Years 10 – 12 chosen to attend from a pool of almost 200 applicants. She shares her experience with us below.

Why did you decide to attend the Focus on Mining Camp?

I decided to attend the mining camp in part due to my parents. They wanted me to consider a possible career in science and engineering. I felt this camp was the ideal way to gain a realistic experience and insight into the roles and opportunities available for today’s youth.

Tell us a little about the camp

Staying at Fairbridge camp in Kalgoorlie, our sponsors Northern Star Resources and the WA School of Mines, set out a comprehensive schedule for our five-day visit. After completing inductions, we visited numerous mine sites and processing mills, including the Kalgoorlie Super Pit and an underground nickel mine. The experience at the nickel mine was invaluable, giving a true insight into the workings of a functioning, productive mine. We were provided with the appropriate PPE and were chaperoned every step of the way to ensure our safety.  

What was the highlight of the camp for you?

The highlight for me was the Evolution site tour. During this tour of the gold processing plant, we were shown techniques and processes used to separate and extract the gold, which appealed to my interest in chemistry.

Do you plan on a future in mining? 

At this stage, my interests align more within the medical industry. However, attending this mining camp was invaluable in how it gave me experience and knowledge to confirm where my science interest is best suited. 

What would you say to other students considering this camp in the future?

I would recommend this camp to all students with a passion for any of the sciences or engineering. We were told, and better still, shown firsthand, the substantial opportunities available in the mining and resource sector in Western Australia.

The Value of Student Voice – Jennifer Oaten

“At Santa Maria College, we are not only given the opportunity, but we are encouraged by our teachers and each other to voice our opinions, concerns and ideas—to continue moving forward as a school and as a community. Student voice is integral for growth, and allows for us, as students to have an active role in shaping our education.”

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