Introducing our new Head of Mission – Jillian Landers

Jillian Landers has taken on the new role of Head of Mission this year.

What is your role at the College this year?
Head of Mission

What does your new position entail?
As Head of Mission, my role is to lead and support the staff, students and their families in connecting with our Catholic Mercy tradition so as to access the richness of our shared faith and spiritual heritage. This will require my leadership through quality Religious Education, rich experiences of prayer and celebration and engagement in social action. This role also requires that I support staff and students in developing their relationship with God and responding to the experience and action of God in their own lives.

How long have you been at Santa Maria College and what subjects/roles have you taught/had prior to this?
I started at Santa Maria in 2008 as a teacher of Religious Education and Service Learning Coordinator. Previously, I was a Head of SOSE in South Africa for 10 Years and teacher of Year 11 and 12 Geography. On arrival in Perth, I taught English as a Second Language to overseas students. I also worked at Banksia Detention Centre, where I helped young offenders improve their literacy.  I then moved to Kolbe Catholic College where I taught RE and Geography for 10 years.

What are you most looking forward to in this role?
The privilege to lead the College community in prayer, faith and service to others and continuing the Mercy charism of the College. I also look forward to leading the College through my humble example of prayer, Hospitality, Compassion, Justice, Service and Excellence.

What is your biggest challenge this year?
To pace myself. I am passionate about my role and I need to take one day at a time. I also believe one of my biggest challenges will be to ensure that SMC remains a place where everyone feels included, valued and welcome in the true Mercy spirit of hospitality.

When looking back at the end of the year what do you hope to have achieved?
I have a few new initiates planned for the year, so I hope they will be successful, and that students and staff will embrace new opportunities for spiritual growth. At the end of the year, I will be most pleased if everyone can say that during 2019 SMC was a wonderful place to work and study as everyone felt valued and included. I hope too that many staff will be able to share a cuppa with me while sharing their dreams, fears, concerns and joys. My door will always be open for anyone who wants to have a chat.

What is your favourite quote?
I really like the quote from WH Johnsen, and favoured by former Principal Sister Sheila Sawle,  “If it is to be, It’s up to me!”

The Value of Student Voice – Jennifer Oaten

“At Santa Maria College, we are not only given the opportunity, but we are encouraged by our teachers and each other to voice our opinions, concerns and ideas—to continue moving forward as a school and as a community. Student voice is integral for growth, and allows for us, as students to have an active role in shaping our education.”

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