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Connecting Learning to Life in Technology & Commerce


The Technology & Commerce and Careers Departments had an opportunity to investigate entrepreneurship, innovation and technology at the Murdoch University Launchpad. The Technology & Commerce Learning Area encompasses Digital Technology, Media, Business and Accounting courses.

The Launchpad is a space for entrepreneurs to get advice, create prototypes, pitch their ideas and work collaboratively. This was the setting for our professional learning as our team explored how we can more effectively connect our subjects with skills needed for a successful career.

We learnt strategies to inspire business-minded students from Entrepreneur-in-Residence Jeremy Chetty and saw how Virtual Reality and simulations were used in a university setting. SimLab is a mixed-reality environment where students can learn how to respond to difficult scenarios, from nursing consults to behaviour management in classrooms, and we were able to see it in action.

By far, the most enjoyable activity was the LEGO Workshop, where our initiative, resilience, collaboration and creativity came to the fore! LEGO is used to promote this style of thinking in university students and is a powerful tool to enhance innovation.

For more information regarding the Murdoch Launchpad, visit

Combating The Attention Span Crisis In Our Students – Jennifer Oaten

It is no secret that attention spans have been steadily declining, especially among younger generations growing up immersed in digital technology. The average person’s attention span when using a digital device has plummeted from around two and a half minutes back in 2004 to just 47 seconds on average today – a dramatic 66% decrease over the past two decades.

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