Dillon Girls Support the Homeless

For their Strive9 project, the Dillon Homeroom worked closely with past student Jane Armstrong and her charity, Homelessness We Care. On Implementation Day, the girls heard from Jane and a panel of representatives from the Street Chaplain WA and Orange Sky Laundry

During their initial brainstorming sessions, the girls focussed on homelessness due to the financial strain many people have been placed under with COVID. They also examined the lack of services available to the homeless.

To do this, the girls emailed businesses for donations. Costco donated a $300.00 voucher, Spudshed donated a $50.00 voucher. The College café donated lots of cutlery, cereal and treats. The Vege Chip Company donated 140 bags of vege chips. The girls also received donations from Terry White Pharmacies in Palmyra and Applecross, the Good Grocer in Myaree and Optimal Pharmacy in Coolbellup. The girls, their families and College staff, were also very generous in donating items.

These items allowed the girls to put together 192 food packs that will be delivered to the homeless by Jane’s organisation. The packs contained a protein source (beans and tuna), cereal, long-life milk, a muesli bar, a packet of chips or soy treats, crackers and biscuits. The girls also cooked meals for the homeless.

Homeroom Teacher, Peter Hanbidge said, “Seeing the students collaborate and develop a real insight into the causes of homeless and its effect on people was rewarding.”

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