Eco Sisters: The Importance of Recycling Plastic

Kate Cameron from CLAW, Monique D'Amato, Eco Justice Captain and Emma Charlton from Bottle Tree Hill

Our students are very aware of the impact they have on the environment. Through the Eco Sisters co-curricular group, students promote a sustainable College environment and raise awareness about environmental issues. The group also maintains the College’s recycling programs including bottle recycling, paper, and batteries.

The group meets weekly and during this week’s meeting, the girls heard from guest speakers, Kate Cameron from CLAW Environmental and Emma Charlton from Bottle Top Hill.

CLAW has been successfully diverting plastics from landfill and enabling the return of recycled plastics into manufacturing. They are a leading plastic recycler, focusing on rigid plastics and expanded polystyrene. Bottle Top Hill is a collection point for clean, eligible plastic drink bottle tops.

Eco Justice Captain, Monique D’Amato, shared some key points from the talk.

  1. Make sure to take off the lids of all plastic bottles such as milk bottles, drink bottles and sauce bottles before putting them into the recycling bin 
    The lids can be recycled and leaving them on disrupts production processes. CLAW environmental recycles many kinds of plastics including HDPE, PP and EPS to manufacture into a variety of plastic products. Eg a rake you may find in Bunnings.
  2. Bottle Hill Top facilitate the collection of milk lid bottles
    Bottle Hill Top has a collection point for Melville residents on the second Saturday of every month between 8.00 am – 10.00 am at 56 McLean Street, Anglican Church of the Holy Cross Melville.
  3. CLAW and Bottle Top Hill work closely together
    These organisations work closely together to increase environmental awareness within the community by promoting simple recycling habits we can all incorporate into our daily lives. This is what our Eco-Sisters co-curricular group is all about.
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