Embracing Diversity with Refugees: Year 12 CFC

Embracing Diversity: Year 12 Students Making a Difference

At Santa Maria College, we believe in the power of empathy, leadership, and community. Our Year 12 Children, Family & Community (CFC) students have been actively exploring multiculturalism and the challenges faced by refugees, embodying our commitment to fostering an inclusive society.

Multiculturalism enriches our community with diverse perspectives and cultures. However, it’s vital to acknowledge and address the hurdles refugees encounter as they integrate into new environments. By delving into these issues, our students are not only expanding their understanding but also contributing to building a more compassionate world.

Hands-On Learning: Literacy Activities for Refugee Children

Our Year 12 CFC students recently prepared engaging literacy activities for refugee children at Beaconsfield Intensive Language Centre. This hands-on approach not only expanded their own horizons but also nurtured empathy and a deeper appreciation for our diverse community.

Claudia, a Year 12 student, shared her heartfelt experience

"The excursion at Beaconsfield Primary School with the refugee children was truly a mind-opening experience. In my group, I taught and played a memory card game with the children about ocean animals. This created many memorable and magical moments. One that stood out was when a shy girl became increasingly confident and excited after successfully matching several pairs. This activity helped the children with their language skills. It encouraged them to name the objects on the cards in English, fostering vocabulary development in a fun and interactive way. This whole experience has shown me the power of simple games in breaking down barriers and facilitating learning."

Making a Lasting Impact

Seeing the children’s confidence blossom was incredibly rewarding for our students. Claudia reflected on the joy and sense of accomplishment she felt:

"After completing the activity, I felt such a sense of joy and accomplishment, seeing the children’s confidence continue to grow. It reinforced the importance of helping others, demonstrating how even small efforts like playing games can make a significant impact on children’s learning and social integration."

Our students’ efforts highlight the importance of community, empathy, and the impact of small acts of kindness. Through initiatives like these, Santa Maria College continues to empower young women to become compassionate leaders, ready to make a positive difference in the world.

Join Us in Making a Difference

At Santa Maria College, we are dedicated to fostering a sense of community and belonging. Our programs encourage leadership, compassion, and social responsibility. If you’re looking for a place where your daughter can grow academically, personally, and spiritually, we invite you to learn more about what Santa Maria College has to offer.

the Winter Appeal and Outreach Mass at Santa Maria College.

Term 2 – Empowering Students and Community – Jennifer Oaten

As we conclude another remarkable term at Santa Maria College, we celebrate the myriad achievements and growth of our students. Term 2 was filled with empowering opportunities, from faith-based activities and learning innovations to social awareness projects and community engagements, embodying our Mercy values and commitment to excellence.

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