Implementing Change in Strive9

Strive9 is a service-based project and a part of our Enhanced Learning Program. It is an opportunity for Year 9 students to work together in Homeroom groups in order to activate change in the community.
The project is student-driven and develops the skills of collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking. It also enhances emotional and social growth, by taking students away from the comfort of traditional teacher-led learning and engaging in acts of service.
To follow is an outline of the projects each Homeroom selected, planned, and implemented. We are very proud of their achievements.
Byrne students headed to Kaarakin Black Cockatoo Conservation Centre to help with the rehabilitation of injured and sick animals and to assist with the upkeep of the centre.
The focus of the day was caring for the volunteers, via a variety of donations:
- gifts, including potted plants with terracotta pots painted by the students,
- manual labour, which can be difficult for the older volunteers,
- assistance with the upkeep of the centre, and,
- assistance with the animal upkeep.

Corbett students went to Coolbellup Community School to engage in a range of activities including literacy games, maths games, and art and craft activities. There was also team building in basketball, cup-cake decoration, and helping out with jobs around the school.
Coolbellup Community School has a diverse cultural population and encourages community involvement in their educational and pastoral plans. Their school motto is “Learning for Life”.
de la Hoyde
Year 9 de la Hoyde collected goods for disadvantaged children at the Perth Children’s Hospital. In Term 2, the Homeroom teacher was Greg Williams. His daughter, Annie, who is an ex-Santa student, works at the hospital. She came to speak to the students. about some of the children who arrive at the hospital with absolutely nothing. So, the students collected bags, toiletries, games, and toys for the hospital to distribute to those children and families most in need.
Students wrote a card for each of the bags which outlined the contents of the bag and who it would be appropriate for. Six students were then taken to the Children’s Hospital to drop off the bags and have a tour of the hospital.

Little Things for Tiny Tots is an organisation that provides new and pre-loved, essential baby items to WA families in need. Dillon supported the charity by creating newborn baby boxes filled with ‘little things’ to assist families in caring for their babies, such as nappies, wipes, clothing, blankets, and books.
The boxes were distributed via partners, including non-profit support services, hospitals, and government agencies. Little Things for Tiny Tots is a 100% volunteer-run charity.
Year 9 Frayne decided to tackle the issue of period poverty. They decided on a three-pronged solution to this problem:
- To help in the immediate, the students organised a period product drive. They collected and donated more than 200 period products to the Share the Dignity Drive.
- To help in the medium term, the students put on a morning tea and invited important women in their lives. They requested a $10 donation to attend. This was given to the Share the Dignity charity to help them with their work.
- For a long-term solution, the students started a petition asking the government to provide period products for free to State school students. This was given to MLA Hannah Beazley at the morning tea and will be presented to the Western Australian Parliament at a later date.

Year 9 Kelly decided to support the work of Homelessness We Care. Students donated and collected a variety of items to make up at least 40 hand-made bags filled with personal care items.
They also decided to work with some primary school students to model and mentor the concept of service. They partnered with a Year 6 class at Our Lady of Lourdes. Those Year 6s visited the Homeroom at the College for a day of learning about homelessness, baking cookies for care packs, compiling care packs, creating card messages, and enjoying team games.
O’Donnell partnered with Millennium Kids Inc who encourages young people, regardless of race, religion, or social capital to explore, identify and address environmental and sustainability issues in their local, regional, and global communities.
Millennium Kids empowers young people to take action on the issues they care about, exploring ways to solve problems through education for behaviour change, advocacy, innovation, design, and community action.
As a Homeroom, students travelled to Bicton Baths on an environmental mission. They wanted to help improve the condition of our marine life by cleaning up the beach and mapping the number of micro-plastics in that environment.
This data was sent to AUSMAP who use it to evaluate where the plastic has originated from and then make those companies accountable for their pollution. The data was also sent to Lisa O’Malley MLA, the Member for Bicton, to make her aware of this environmental issue in her electorate.
Not only will this project have a direct impact on the local environment, but the girls also hope their findings will help future generations to deal with these pollution issues on a larger more global scale.

O’Reilly’s 2021 Strive9 project was to inspire Year 2 students from St Gerard’s Catholic Primary School, a small school located in Westminster serving a widely diverse multicultural group of students. The Homeroom aspired to achieve a fun-filled day with lots of new experiences and long-lasting memories, full of positive encounters and the formation of new bonds between students and their buddies.
Upon the students’ arrival, cooperation skills were put to use. Students introduced themselves, getting to know their allocated buddies, and discussing a topic both ages bonded over. They were then fortunate to have Neil (our College gardener) provide an engaging lesson on gardening and the various tools used in the process. The children sat quietly and watched as Neil demonstrated examples and introduced gadgets. This experience promoted their communication skills: they were asked questions and had to listen quietly.
All students then ate their recess together and bonded over various topics the Year 2 students had been learning such as continents and friendship. It helped them review their learning and apply it to a real-life situation.
The two groups played games of all kinds together, even the St Gerard’s principal joined in! Students completed arts and crafts, using cloth bags and decorations kindly donated by two of our Homeroom parents, and made sherbet. After having danced together they headed to the library for picture book reading.
The children left the College hopefully feeling inspired, confident, happy, and fulfilled with a wider understanding of future schooling.

- Feature, featured #Learning4life
Author: Santa Maria College
Santa Maria College is a vibrant girls school with a growing local presence and reputation. Our Mission is to educate young Mercy women who act with courage and compassion to enrich our world. Santa Maria College is located in Attadale in Western Australia, 16 km from the Perth CBD. We offer a Catholic education for girls in Years 5 – 12 and have 1300 students, including 152 boarders.

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